Examples of the various purposes for which the reproductions may be considered fair can be, criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, research, etc.

The goal of RPG.SOCIALMUD.COM is to be a compendium of Online PHP RPG Games and the authors who created them. Therefore, we can assure you that any and all files on this website are used for criticism, analysis, conjecture, evaluation, education, and in strict compliance with the laws of the United States of America.

The files used on this website have been submitted by (mostly) anonymous users in good faith that they accurately depict the author's work and have not been modified or misrepresented. We can not be accountable for errors in submissions. However, if there are files in our collection that you would like to replace with better versions or include additional information, please contact us immediately for a prompt response.

Protect your work!

It is your responsibility as an author to protect your own work. If your work has ever been shown, then it is probably on the internet somewhere. The most effective means of protecting your work are:

1. Make sure your signature is visible. For copies intended for digital circulation among the public, it is quite acceptable to add a "digital signature" which can be a "rubber-stamp" of your real signature, or include additional information like the title of the piece, year, and website address.

2. Watermark your work. This is the practice of destroying the commercial usability of an image by placing logos or other artifacts in the files. In my opinion this is somewhat unnecessary and should be used with restraint. Most files on the web today are not suitable for commercial use.